A case study doesn’t have its own style. Our professional writing service knows that the way you cite a case study will depend on the type of essay/paper you are writing, and on the source material. Writing styles such as APA, MLA, etc., have their own rules for citing from different sources. A case study may be in a book, a journal, a website, and so forth. For example, if your case study writing paper style was Harvard, and the writing material was in a book, then you would have to cite the book using the Harvard style while making sure to note where the case study is within the book.
How to Cite a Case Study in APA
Citing a case study in the APA style is just like citing a quote, paragraph, chapter, etc., in the APA style. Below is an example of how to cite a case study in APA that you can use as a template.
Author(s). (Year). Title of case study. No. number of case study. City, State abbreviation or Country of publication: Publisher.
- The last name first, and then the initials of the author’s first name
- List the authors if there is more than one
- If there are two authors, then separate the names with an ampersand
- This is placed in parentheses
- Do not mention the month or day of publication unless necessary
Title of case study
- Give its full title
- Put the title in italics
- Include any punctuation that sits within the title, even if it looks odd
No. number of case study
- Give any numbers or codes that will help people identify the study
City, State, Country
- Add the name of the city, state or country of the publication
- Give the publisher’s name
- Put a colon before it
Here is an example that shows what it should look like:
Booth, S. (2008). Eating Pickles With Jam. No. 7-806-122. Boston, MA: Penguin Publishing.
How to Cite a Case Study MLA
A case study doesn’t have its own method for citation, you must cite it based on where you find it. If you find it in a book, then cite it like you are citing a passage or chapter from a book. Here is a template that shows you how to cite a case study MLA.
Author(s). Name of the case. Subject Case. City. Publisher. Date. Format (Print)
Author(s). Name of the case. Subject Case. City. Publisher. Date. Format (Web) Date you accessed the information
As you can see from the website version, you also need to note the date you accessed the information on the web. The publication date is fine, but websites are often updated, which means what you see years later may differ from what it looked like when you accessed the information. Just remember that you are noting the date you accessed the information and not the date it was published.
Warning – Students who copy the work of others verbatim are often caught because they leave the “Date Accessed” section the same as the original. The same is true for students who are caught out by saying they completed their project months ago, and yet the “Date Accessed” dates were yesterday.
- Last name first
- Put a comma and add the author’s full first name
- Add the initials of any middle names after the person’s first name
- (Last Name), (First Name) (Initials of Middle Name)
- List the authors if there is more than one
- If there are two authors, then separate the names with the word “And”
Title of case study
- Give its full title
- Include any punctuation that sits within the title, even if it looks odd
Subject Case
- Note what type of case study it is
- Maybe it is a business case, medical case, and so forth
- Consult your professor about what you should write for subject case
- Give the publisher’s name
- Give the date with the day number first
- Secondly comes the month written as a word
- Thirdly is the year written as a number
- Write “Print” for printed media or “Web” if you found it on the Internet
- Treat your college’s online library as if it were print unless told otherwise
Date Accessed
- Note the date that you personally accessed the source material
- Only applicable to online sources
Below is an example to show you what your MLA citation should look like:
Wolfie, Danny B., and Kimberly Matte. Jam Eaters And Their Nasty Habits. Sociology Case Study. London. Pearl Publishing, 2019. Web. Date Accessed 15 March 2019.
How to Cite a Case Study
Getting your citations correct takes time. It is probably one of the most annoying parts of essay writing. If you are sick of being snowed under with the minutia of how to cite a case study, then get in touch with the PaperWritingPro Service. They have degree-qualified writers who will write to whatever deadline you impose. They write original works that you can hand in as your own, and they do not plagiarize or rewrite. The team is standing by to help remove some of the stress and worry that comes with excessive essay writing.